Presentation 2023-01-10T11:27:13+00:00


Cleaning Services, a cleaning company based in Tunis, reference in its field

Since 2006, Cleaning Services has continued to develop its reputation throughout Tunisia thanks to its quality disinfection and cleaning service.

The experience, the know-how, the investments made in the development of equipment, the control of risks, and the knowledge of regulations all make our Tunis-based cleaning company, an essential partner, especially in the preventive and curative disinfection of professional premises affected by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

The company Cleaning Services provides after each intervention a report including a certificate of intervention which mentions:

  • The nature of the work

  • The intervention period

  • Malfunctions observed and improvements to be made

  • A photo and/or video report

Qualified staff under the direction of an experienced team leader!

With about thirty people who ensure an impeccable quality of work on a daily basis, our Tunis-based cleaning company is now known and recognized throughout Tunisia.
The use of industrial disinfectant products approved by the Ministry of Health associated with high-quality equipment, all orchestrated by the expertise of an expert team, constitutes an additional guarantee for the success of all the tasks of disinfection.

Our Tunis-based cleaning company is attentive to your needs and manages to satisfy you thanks to recognized expertise in the fields of preventive and curative disinfection, degreasing, dust removal, chimney sweeping, and maintenance of ventilation systems and air conditioners.
Thanks to the involvement of its teams and the respect of its commitments, Cleaning Services has been able to retain a good number of professionals in Tunisia: More than 500 Customers.

Our cleaning service extends to industries, hospitals, clinics, hotels, restaurants, various communities, industries, ships, recreational boats, and confined spaces. All our customers trust us and take advantage of our advice to save money.

Expert-level disinfection service

Cleaning Services professionals are specially prepared during the epidemic period to clean and disinfect professional premises according to international protocols.
Possessing 3M full-face masks and specific suits as well as equipment adapted for safe interventions, our professionals are trained in proactive cleaning which involves disinfection of the atmosphere of installations, surfaces, soil, equipment, tools, and/or supplies used, as is the case for the fight against COVID 19.

Champ d’intervention COVID-19

Are you in the following activities?

  • Food industries

  • Hotels, restaurants

  • Health: clinics, hospitals, pharmaceutical industry, wholesalers, dispatchers

  • Banks

  • Insurance

  • Oil company

  • Company headquarters

  • Call centers

  • Industrial: textiles, electronics, mechanics

  • Supermarkets

  • The fairs

  • Gyms

  • High schools and private universities

Do you need our intervention for targeted COVID-19 disinfection and cleaning of your premises? Contact us! We will answer you as soon as possible and give you more information.

Contact us



Benefit from a detailed and free estimate.



Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day



Company Approved by the Ministry of Public Health



More than 200 hotels and more than 100 restaurants



A wide range of services.